DRAFTS #02 with Eefje de Visser

Drafts Eefje de Visser artwork.jpg

In this second episode I talk with my Eefje de Visser. Eefje is a Dutch artist, songwriter and producer who lives in Ghent, Belgium. We talk about her song Stilstand, reality, truth that can be found in gibberish and longing for something that might not even exist. This is Drafts #2 with Eefje de Visser:

I’ve always been extremely interested in and inspired by process. I decided to ask people I know and don’t know but who are all busy making something out of nothing to share a draft of their work and talk about how it came to be. The recordings of those conversations can be find here in a podcast series called 'Drafts'. Here're the final versions of the drafts we're talking about per episode: Drafts #2: Eefje de Visser - Stilstand https://open.spotify.com/track/5V5d3Phyu77vvN8Ea6gMIb?si=724fzaxtRcyl2x64RQyYLA


DRAFTS #03 with San Holo


DRAFTS #01 with Binkbeats